Gentile Socia e Gentile Socio,
Di seguito le attività proposte da IFOMPT:
Dear IFOMPT Family,The consultations and preparation for the name change special meeting have taken up the lion’s share of energy and resources over the past few months. Although the proposed change did not make it over the line, the interactions and deliberations that took place in the process have shown that the IFOMPT family is a vibrant one and that our members are passionate about OMPT and what we stand for. All our members were engaged for the months leading up to the meeting and all MOs were present at the meeting. Although the name change has been a major focus, many other initiatives have also continued:
- The Task Force on IFOMPT Governance is working away at developing the updated policies and procedures for IFOMPT and several small subgroups have been working on different elements with many subtasks completed.
- The development of the new membership policy in which the policies and procedures regarding the Associate Member Organisation category have been defined, has been completed. Have a look on the website at the route to membership information – – and specifically make time to listen to the narrated PowerPoint presentations on the categories of membership. A big thank you to Duncan Reid for doing those for us.
- The Task Force on Pediatric Manipulation continues with their work and meet on a monthly basis. At present a lot of work is going into a Delphi Study and all members have been invited to participate.
- The Advisory Group on Finance was tasked to review the IFOMPT subscription model. This task was completed recently, and they have recommended that IFOMPT change to a subscription fee structure taking into account membership numbers (</>200 members) and socioeconomic status of member countries (based on the World Bank Classification). This option will be relatively easy to apply and will significantly relieve the financial burden of small (<200 members) and low-income MOs and RIGs, while simultaneously not having a disproportionally negative financial impact on the other countries. The EC have accepted this recommendation and will be putting it to a vote at a special meeting later in the year. We also plan to call a ‘coffee session’ where the members can discuss and debate the proposal.
- The Standards Committee (SC) are working on a number of international monitoring reviews, while two new programmes have also been submitted for review. Please make sure to stick to deadlines and to keep in contact with SC, as needed.
- The EC is currently working on how best to manage the OMPT advocacy work within IFOMPT. The potential creation of an Advisory Group on OMPT Advocacy along with its brief and composition will be discussed at a membership coffee session later in the year. Members are encouraged to attend the coffee session to share suggestions and we would also like to encourage volunteers who would like to participate in the group to let the EC know.
- Our MO from Belgium invited IFOMPT to their conference in September 2023. It does not seem likely that in-person meetings will take place in 2022 and this invitation is greatly appreciated and we sincerely hope that we will be able to meet. More information will be shared in due course.
We look forward to a busy few months until the end of 2021.
Kind regards and stay safe!
Executive Committee

Le nuove iniziative IFOMPT
Le consultazioni e la preparazione per l'incontro speciale sul cambio di nome hanno fatto la parte del leone negli ultimi mesi. Sebbene il cambiamento proposto non sia riuscito a superare il limite soglia per l'approvazione, le interazioni e le deliberazioni che hanno avuto luogo nel processo hanno dimostrato che la famiglia IFOMPT è vivace. Tutti i nostri membri sono stati impegnati per i mesi precedenti l'incontro e tutti i MO erano presenti all'incontro.
Di seguito tutte le nuove proposte IFOMPT