BJSM live 25 maggio 2022 | A.I.FI.

BJSM live 25 maggio 2022

The BJSM Live 2022 programme is now live! É con grande piacere che condividiamo con voi questa iniziativa di BJSM, ricordandovi che la rivista é consultabile gratuitamente per gli iscritti GIS Sport AIFI nell'area soci del sito AIFI.

This is your chance to join your colleagues across the globe for a unique one day programme that will give expert advice on managing patients in your practice, and to discuss how we support populations to live healthy and physically active lifestyles.

Delivered in-person in Brighton and online on 25 May 2022, the programme will explore the latest evidence and cutting edge research within the sports and exercise medicine community.

Programme highlights

Physical Activity Promotion for Clinical Populations | Speakers – Anna Campbell and Gráinne Donnelly

Low Back Pain in Athletes | Speakers – Kellie Wilkie, Fiona Wilsonand Jane Thornton

Safeguarding Athletes | Speakers – Yetsa Tuakli-Wosornu and Carly McKay

COVID-19: Optimising Health and Safety | Speakers – Robert Sallisand Ben Jones

What should SEM look like in the 2020s? | Speakers – Sheree Bekker, Nick Webborn and Nonhlanhla Mkumbuzi

We have a portfolio of inspiring speakers including Olympic athletes, physiotherapists, researchers in sports and exercise medicine, and medical officers from the UK Premier League and USA Major League Soccer. All our sessions will include a panel discussion and an opportunity for you to ask questions at the end.

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