SR-16.3-art3 Patients-perceived quality of care: a quantitative survey in a rehabilitation department


Donadio A.A., Bongioanni P., Tortello Cannata A.



The aim of this study was to assess the quality of care perceived by adult patients in a physiotherapy service (“Adult Age Disability” Area of the ASL in Taranto), in order to plan progressive strategies to improve the service.

Materials and Methods

A questionnaire was administered anonymously to 38 patients who gave their informed consent. The questionnaire is original, validated and structured in closed answers, each of them related to an important aspect of the service provided. A factorial statistical analysis was performed on obtained data and hypotheses about sample significance were tested.


Data reveal a high degree of satisfaction with the physiotherapy service, and it emerged that helpfulness of personnel to the patients’ needs and professional competence were underlying factors for the perceived quality of care. It is highlighted the demand for a “helping relationship” with psychological features and a humanization of care, that take into account a wider caring of the person.


The results allow to consider some actions to improve services and to guide the choices of the administration, such as those related to counseling and to a helpful and therapeutic relationship.


patient satisfaction, perceived health care quality, care management, counselling, health care economics and organization.


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Scienza riabilitativa 16.3 – Art.3



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