Gentili Colleghi
con grande piacere vi segnaliamo la giornata formativa organizzata dal Gis RASM- AIRM con la dr.ssa Brigitte Rosen di cui vi allego il curriculum ; la collega è esperta nella riabilitazione della mano in relazione alla plasticità cerebrale e riorganizzazione corticale anche dopo recupero nelle lesioni nervose periferiche
Il corso è a numero chiuso e si terrà a Firenze il 19 maggio.
il titolo del corso è:
The sensational hand and the plastic brain – new strategies in rehabilitation"
Due gli argomenti trattati :
• How to apply brain plasticity in clinical practice in sensory re-learning"
• "Assessment of outcome after nerve injury
Obiettivi del corso :
Understanding of the neuroscientific base for new strategies for sensory re-learning/re-education based on the rapid plasticity of the brain, and how to apply them in clinical practice.
Understanding of the importance of sensory re-learning/re-education in early postoperative phase following PNI (phase one before any reinnervation has occurred) as well as in late postoperative phase (phase two when some reinnervation has occurred).
Understanding of basic components in assessment of hand function after PNI and practical guidance through the use of the Model Instrument for outcome after Nerve Repair – "Rosen score".
In allegato programma e modalità d'iscrizione
Curriculum vitae Docente:
Birgitta Rosén, Associate Professor OT PhD,
Department of Hand Surgery, Skåne University Hospital, Lund University, Sweden
Occupational Therapist (1977)
Clinical position (Hand rehabilitation) 1981-2009
PhD, Lund University (2000), Thesis: The Sensational Hand: Clinical Assessment after nerve repair
Associate professor Lund University: Experimental hand surgery/handrehabilitation (2006)
Present position: Senior lecturer, Lund University (research / clinical work / lecturing) (2009-)
Member of EFSHT and IFSHT.
Special interest in outcome after nerve injuries and in rehabilitation after nerve injuries –
sensory re-education using e.g. artificial sensibility or extrinsic modulation
of brain plasticity mechanisms.
60 original scientific articles, 6 book chapters in the area. Most recent a chapter on Sensory re-education
(chapter 46) in Rehabilitation of the Hand and Upper Extremity, 6th Edition. 2011. Eds Terri M. Skirven,
A. Lee Osterman, Jane Fedorczyk and Peter C. Amadio.
spero di vedervi numerosi
Giulia Guidi e la commissione formazione GIS RASM-AIRM